Navigating Through Change

Change. It happens often and unexpectedly, it can be big or small, but no matter how you describe it, it is an integral part of our lives. Although we are aware of this, it certainly does not make it easy, especially when it is unwelcomed or unexpected. Surprise changes can be difficult to navigate through because you are likely to encounter a vast range of emotions. Our nature is to resist, have fear, express doubt and other unhelpful feelings that could potentially be paralyzing.

We want life to remain consistent because we are familiar with our surroundings and we feel safe and secure with our future. When change occurs, we are acknowledging that there is no longer any certainty about the future. The truth is we don’t know our futures with any certainty, and if this is the case, then we can reasonably expect change to occur.

Living from a place of resistance, fear & doubt can in fact be the very thing that prevents you from navigating change in the present moment. When you are anxious and fearful, it feels like things are not as they should be, and you may allow yourself to shut down because you may view change as a threat. You can learn to replace the energy of fear and anxiety with one that is open minded and positive by becoming self aware. You can learn to see changing situations from a place that is adaptive, creative, solution oriented and from a place of trust… in yourself.

How can we cultivate greater self awareness through times of change?

Self awareness is the key to being able to navigate and manage yourself through life changes, when you shift your focus inwards, to your own thoughts, emotions, behaviours, you awaken to what is actually occurring within. This acknowledgment allows you to accept where you are currently, and then start to consciously navigate yourself through shifting circumstances. 


Change is inevitable. Consciously, we have all experienced change on many levels and in all aspects of life. Yet we still resist. It is uncomfortable and maybe unpredictable. Shifting your thoughts to acceptance is way to begin. I can expect change in my life.

Reflect on your life experience, and the countless amount of changes you have experienced. You have lived this process numerous times, some good, perhaps some unexpected, some not so great. Practice accepting the truth that change is inevitable, you don’t always have to love it but it’s apart of a healthy process of shifting, and is how you can begin to minimize initial resistance.

Become aware of your thoughts and emotions

We all experience change differently. It can be perceived as good or bad, but that is entirely dependent on the observer. Our response to change starts with a series of thoughts and emotions when our expectations are not met. We are not our thoughts, we merely experience and observe them, and have an opportunity to make a choice how we proceed. Drawing your attention to these feelings about change, provide us the opportunity to acknowledge and honour our initial responses, allowing us to have a choice on how we proceed.

When I reflect on change the questions I ask myself are;

·       What is going through my mind at this moment?

·       What am I feeling about this change? Why am I feeling this?

I ask these to start, to acknowledge my present state, and to also allow myself to get deeper. Ask yourself follow up questions

·       Is there a different way to view this change?

·       Am I willing to entertain a new frame of thought? Why or why not?

It is important to not shame or guilt yourself for having these emotions, whatever they might be. Experiencing them fully provides you the opportunity to dive deeper into your mindset, heart and soul providing you valuable information so that you can exercise your free will moving forward.

These are just examples of questions to ask oneself, I just want to highlight that it is a method to probe and create deeper awareness of your thoughts and emotions so you can then reframe and shift when you are ready. You can journal these thoughts, or if you are more comfortable with conversation, talk to a trusted friend, family member, therapist, healer or coach. The key is to cultivate a self awareness that will allow you to get clear with your feelings and move forward.

How will change affect us?

This is often overlooked. We are so focused on the uncertain future, we often forget to assess, how a change will affect us. Acknowledging this can assist you in moving forward. Assess the positives, negatives and equally importantly, the opportunities. Being present and evaluating how change will affect and impact us, prepares us to flow through the process, and opens us to entertaining the belief to the possibility of multiple outcomes which then allows us to relax and trust the process more.           

Adaptation and evolution

We have accepted change, we have acknowledged our thoughts and emotions, we have entertained the implications and possibilities. Now we must become flexible, the more we let go and allow change to occur, the smoother it will be to experience the change. (See my post on learning to let go and trust.)

Take inspired action

By now, you may be feeling grounded in your capability to navigate through life changes with confidence and from a space that clear & in alignment with your feelings. Sometimes shifting through change is overwhelming, its important that when you take action, you don’t overwhelm yourself. Take small inspired steps to help you through the shift. It is a journey not a sprint, so use your heightened self awareness to take action based on what is best for you.

You can get through anything

Change can be a long or short process. However, what is important is that you rely your deepening self awareness to understand how you are feeling and what you need for yourself. Create daily habits like meditation, journaling, exercise etc. that keep you in touch with your feelings, thoughts, emotions and behaviours. Trust that you will be able to navigate through life’s challenges with an open mind, heart and positive mindset.


Healing through Pranayama…


Let It Go, Let It Flow…