Frequently Asked Questions

You offer Intuitive Consulting, Mystic Connections & Group sessions. How do I know what is best for me?

If you are unsure which service would be best suited to meet your goals, I welcome you to book at 15 minute discovery call so we can discuss your intentions and narrow down what would resonate most for you.

What is the difference between Mystic Connections and Intuitive Consulting?

Mystic Connections and Intuitive Consulting are both experiences that focus on energy alignment. In a Mystic Connections session, we focus more on a hands on experience, clearing, invigorating and balancing your energy field. Furthermore, channeled information is also downloaded. Intuitive Consulting sessions are more in a discussion format. Through my intuition I will connect with you energetically and will channel information aligned with our mutually decided goals. I will provide you with tools to support you energetically during and after our session.

How are the sessions held?

Intuitive Consulting sessions are held over zoom. Mystic Connections sessions are held via distance, depending on the preference of the client I will keep the phone line open. Sessions can also be in person, upon request

If I choose a distance Mystic Connections session does it have the same benefits as in person?

Yes, energetic connections are so powerful that a distance session is just as effective as a session in person.

How can I best prepare for a session?

Be ready about 5-10 minutes before your session so you have a moment to relax, reflect on your intentions and be present for the hour of energetic and spiritual alignment.

What if I purchased a single session and want to upgrade to the package?

You can contact and we will gladly upgrade and honour the package pricing.

Will a session with you solve all my problems?

The energy and spiritual alignment journey is a life long journey. Sessions with me are meant to help you expand your own awareness so you can follow your own path. Our biggest challenges are in fact the greatest catalyst for growth. The impactful work takes place after our sessions. I am honoured to be a guide in your spiritual journey.

I have a little fear because I have not tried an energy session before. What do I do?

If you are feeling nervous or fearful before booking, please feel free to book a 15 minute discovery call or raise your concerns at the start of the session, we will work together to calm your fears.

What physical reactions might I experience?

Since we are working with your energy field it is completely normal to experience heightened senses during our sessions. This can include, body temperature changes, deeper breathing, sensations in and around your energy body, stomach noises, etc. Many clients have spiritual experiences, and visions throughout a session.

I can no longer attend the session. What is your protocol for rescheduling?

Please contact 24 hours in advance to reschedule your appointment. Any cancellations or no-shows with less than 24 hours notice will not be refunded.

Do you have a referral program?

Referrals are always greatly appreciated. I do offer a referral program please contact me for more information