Energy Activations with Sorubi

Hands on & Distance Healing

Spiritual & Energetic Alignment

Over the past 10 years I have been a student of energy, exploring vast intricacies of the human energy field. As I continue to dive into exploration and observation of energy as well as the subtle realms, I have incorporated my experience into a healing practice that is uniquely my own. This is an energetic and meditative alignment experience where using my intuition and knowledge of the subtle energy fields, I observe, and move through stagnant energy in your field, invigorating your own natural ability to heal. This presents an opportunity for you to heighten your self-awareness and observe your body on a deeper level connecting you to your innate wisdom and establishing foundations to create healthy positive changes. Intuition is my guide as each experience is uniquely tailored for the individual.

1.5 hour Energy Activation Session, $165 including HST

3 session package for $450 including HST

Please contact me for in person sessions

Are you searching for a holistic way to support your physical, emotional, mental & spiritual health?

  • Do you feel challenges managing stress?

  • Do you feel anxiety and unhappiness?

  • Trouble sleeping?

  • Are you having surgery?

  • Are you struggling with pain and discomfort?

  • Are you struggling with balancing your emotions?

  • Feeling disconnected from your mind, body or spirit?

Benefits of Mystic connections:

  • Reducing stress

  • Improving anxiety and depression

  • Waking up energized with a sense of purpose

  • Enhancing recovery from surgery

  • Move through physical and/or emotional pain

  • Harmonizing your divine masculine and feminine.

  • Deepening connection to your body’s innate wisdom

What can you expect during a Energy Activation session?

  • Every session starts with a debrief to establish mutual goals, connect energetically, and a short guided meditation for approximately 20 minutes

  • Then we move into the energy session. Together we complete an energy field assessment. Through using my hands and chakra assessment, in silence we discover your current energetic state.

  • We then proceed to complete the session as guided by my intuition using appropriate energy frequencies and techniques, ie: working with the chakras, field alignment, sound, the elements, channeling light into specific areas, guided meditation, spiritual guidance

  • Once the treatment is complete, approximately 45 minutes I will reassess the energy field and allow you space to integrate and ground

  • We will debrief for 15 minutes to discuss how energy flowed during the session.

  • We will discuss practical tools and practices that can be applied in your day to day so you can integrate the experience.

*For the most abundant experience, please ensure you can be undisturbed and have a comfortable space to lay down, most clients will lay on their bed or a yoga mat or turn on relaxing music. Feel free to be as comfortable as you want. During treatment I keep the zoom line open so I can bring you back to awareness at completion.